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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: pregnancy

March 2013

Changes to children’s study threaten its value, experts say

by  /  7 March 2013

The National Children’s Study, a decade-old effort to track children’s health from birth to age 21, is undergoing radical restructuring to cut costs. The streamlined version of the project has left scientists and autism advocacy groups concerned that the study will not provide the answers they had hoped.

February 2013

Protein marker ties maternal inflammation to autism risk

by  /  25 February 2013

Women who have high levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation, early in their pregnancies are at increased risk of having children with autism, reports a study published 22 January in Molecular Psychiatry.


Researchers remove placenta from pregnant mice

by  /  20 February 2013

Researchers have developed a technique that allows them to remove a functioning placenta from a pregnant mouse late in gestation, they reported 8 January in Nature Protocols.

January 2013

Mother’s influence

by  /  25 January 2013

Maternal health seems to have little impact on autism risk, according to a study published 7 January in PLoS One. The more serious risk is for intellectual disability, which can often occur along with autism.


Autism symptoms more severe in later-born children

by  /  17 January 2013

In families that have more than one child with autism, children who are born later have lower intelligence scores than their older siblings do, according to research published 11 November in PLoS ONE.


Molecular mechanisms: Immune soldiers elevated in autism

by  /  4 January 2013

Children with autism have higher levels than controls of dendritic cells, a subset of immune cells, according to a study published 11 October in Brain Behavior and Immunity.

December 2012
A pregnant woman visits a doctor.

Flu during pregnancy raises child’s risk of autism

by  /  13 December 2012

Women who have the flu while pregnant double their risk of having a child with autism, according to a large study published 12 November in Pediatrics. The results add to growing evidence of a connection between maternal infection and autism.


Pregnant pause

by  /  7 December 2012

Chromosomal microarray is more sensitive than the current gold-standard method for detecting genetic abnormalities in a fetus. But the technology isn’t yet ready for use in all pregnant women.


Birth weight predicts brain size later in life, study says

by  /  3 December 2012

Heavier newborns have larger brains later in life, and a larger cerebral cortex — the brain region responsible for high-level functions such as consciousness and language. The findings, published 19 November in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, are the first to assess birth weight’s connection to brain development.

November 2012

Clinical research: Premature birth raises risk of autism

by  /  21 November 2012

The risk of developing autism increases for every week short of 37 weeks of gestation, according to a large epidemiological study published 1 September in The Journal of Pediatrics.
