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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: mouse models

November 2013

‘Humanized’ mouse assays reveal subtle behaviors

by  /  10 November 2013

A new test of mouse intelligence closely mimics the types of assays used with people and detects a subtle learning deficit reminiscent of one seen in teenagers with autism, according to findings presented Saturday at the 2013 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in San Diego.


Online tools sift through storehouses of brain data

by  /  10 November 2013

Just as search engines comb through the vast expanse of the Internet for information, several online resources are helping scientists browse massive collections of data on the brain. Researchers showcased several of these resources Saturday afternoon at the 2013 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in San Diego.


Molecular mechanisms: Autism gene loss alters mouse cries

by  /  5 November 2013

Adult mice lacking the autism-linked gene SHANK2 emit fewer cries and do so at a lower pitch compared with controls, according to a study published 28 August in Behavioral Brain Research.


SHANK mutations converge at neuronal junctions in autism

by ,  /  5 November 2013

SHANK3, one of the strongest candidate genes for autism, has the potential to be a molecular entry point into understanding the synaptic, developmental and circuit origins of the disorder.

October 2013

One year after Hurricane Sandy, kindness buoys New York labs

by  /  28 October 2013

Walking through Gordon Fishell’s lab now, you would never know that much of his research was swept away by Hurricane Sandy, almost exactly a year ago. But across the rest of New York University’s medical center, the recovery has been uneven.


Automated tool spies on multiple mice simultaneously

by  /  16 October 2013

Researchers have developed software that can automatically track and catalog the behavior of up to four mice at once, according to a study published 16 September in PLoS One.


Robust models

by  /  11 October 2013

Rodent models that recapitulate the core features of autism often have additional traits, leading us to ask whether these traits are integral to autism, says Elisa Hill-Yardin.


Elliott Sherr: Coaching teams to tackle autism’s mysteries

by  /  10 October 2013

Elliott Sherr is unraveling the effects of genetics and brain structure in a handful of disparate disorders that each illuminates some aspect of autism.


Molecular mechanisms: Oxytocin mediates social reward

by  /  8 October 2013

Oxytocin may make social interactions more rewarding for mice by stimulating the release of serotonin, a chemical messenger involved in mood, according to a study published 12 September in Nature.


Mother’s immune response triggers odd behavior in monkeys

by  /  7 October 2013

Triggering immune defenses in pregnant monkeys can lead to repetitive behaviors and social problems in their babies, according to a study published 4 September in Biological Psychiatry.
