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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: mouse models

February 2014

Scarcity of brain’s immune cells alters mouse behavior

by  /  13 February 2014

A temporary shortage of microglia — immune cells in the brain that prune unnecessary neural connections — in infancy can have long-lasting effects on brain circuits and behavior, according to a study published in Nature Neuroscience on 2 February.


Multimodal mouse model for autism

by  /  11 February 2014

A new paper accomplishes a rare feat, linking human genetics with physiology, behavior and a therapeutic in a compelling mouse model of autism, says Alan Packer.


Drug calms overly excitable brains in autism rodent models

by  /  10 February 2014

The blood pressure drug bumetanide normalizes a deficit in brain activity in two rodent models of autism, according to a study published last week in Science. The study hints at a mechanism underlying the drug’s benefits for people with autism.


Molecular mechanisms: Neuronal branches help hone signals

by  /  7 February 2014

Electrical signals generated by dendrites, the branches of neurons that receive information from neighboring cells, may help neurons tune their responses to stimuli, according to a study published 7 November in Nature.


Automated tool records behavior of autism mouse models

by  /  5 February 2014

A new tracking system automatically logs and scores mouse behavior as well as a human observer does, according to a paper published 31 December 2013 in Journal of Neuroscience Methods.

January 2014

Cognition and behavior: Drug ups sociability in autism mice

by  /  31 January 2014

Rapamycin, a drug given to suppress immune rejection after transplants, improves social behavior in mice with features of autism, reports a study published in the January issue of Brain Research Bulletin.


Genetics: Language gene has limited role in autism

by  /  14 January 2014

Variants in a language gene linked to autism are only modestly associated with the disorder in a large sample, according to a study published 17 October in PLoS One.

Photograph of a magnified section of a cerebellum showing nerve cells in a human brain.

Mounting evidence implicates cerebellum in autism

by  /  6 January 2014

Results from four studies published in the past year point to a role for the cerebellum in autism-related behaviors.


Duplication of chromosome 22 region thwarts schizophrenia

by  /  2 January 2014

Carrying a duplication of the 22q11.2 chromosomal region may protect against schizophrenia, suggests a study published 12 November in Molecular Psychiatry. This is the first evidence of a genetic region that lowers the risk of a disorder rather than increases it.

December 2013

Map of cerebellum highlights diversity in autism mice

by  /  18 December 2013

By creating an atlas of 39 different areas in the mouse cerebellum, researchers have highlighted differences in this region in three mouse models of autism, they reported 22 October in Autism Research.
