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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: maternal infection

October 2019
white mouse

Double immune hit challenges female mice’s resistance to autism

by  /  23 October 2019

Female mice can withstand a maternal antibody that triggers brain abnormalities and autism-like behaviors in males. But additional immune challenges spell trouble.


Maternal infection may accelerate expression of autism genes

by  /  21 October 2019

Exposure to infection in utero may speed up the expression of many genes linked to autism — and hasten changes in brain anatomy.


Mock flu triggers changes in brain, behavior of monkeys

by  /  20 October 2019

Marmosets exposed to a mock infection in the womb have altered vocal development and diminished social interest; exposed macaques show changes in brain structure and function.

September 2019
fetus surrounded by genes and nanoparticles and clusters

Small sponge may sop up maternal antibody tied to autism

by  /  9 September 2019

Researchers have created a microscopic particle that traps immune molecules found in a woman that are linked to autism in her child.

May 2019
neurons in mice brains

Inflammation may wield sex-specific effects on developing brain

by  /  8 May 2019

Exposure to inflammation in the womb may affect the brain and behavior of males and females differently.

February 2019

Lab-grown placentas, cell atlas may aid study of early pregnancy

by  /  1 February 2019

A cell atlas and a cell-culture method promise to advance scientists’ understanding of the placenta and its effects on a fetus.

January 2019

Severe infections in childhood may boost chances of autism diagnosis

by  /  23 January 2019

Children who contract serious infections may have an increased likelihood of being diagnosed with autism.

December 2018
Siblings, a baby and a toddler, play together at home.

How pregnancy may shape a child’s autism

by  /  5 December 2018

Autism is predominantly genetic in origin, but a growing list of prenatal exposures for mother and baby may sway the odds.

November 2018

Inflammation in womb may spawn autism-like traits in males

by  /  6 November 2018

Chronic exposure to inflammation in the womb alters autism gene expression and disrupts social behavior in male mice, but not females.

Illustration shows a maze of elements: human brain, medicine, chromosome, factory, clouds and lightning bolts

Environmental risk for autism, explained

by  /  5 November 2018

Autism results from an interplay between genetics and the environment, but it has been tough to nail down the environmental factors involved.
