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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: macrocephaly

November 2019
Close-up of child's hand on wet window

Mutations in cancer gene tied to unique autism traits

by  /  14 November 2019

Autistic people who carry mutations in a gene called PTEN have distinct behavioral and motor problems.

October 2019

Single molecule tracks with mutation’s path to autism, cancer

by  /  17 October 2019

A molecule made by mitochondria, the energy factories of cells, might help doctors forecast the impact of mutations in a top autism gene.

March 2019

Analyzing postmortem brains for autism? Proceed with caution

by  /  5 March 2019

Any study of postmortem brains must control for artifacts, which are pervasive in brain tissue.

November 2018
Toddle boy having his head measured in a medical setting.

Brain organoid study firmly links autism mutations to RhoA

by  /  7 November 2018

A cellular pathway that helps neurons grow and move during fetal development may drive the changes in head size in some autistic people.

June 2018
Week of JuneJun

Oversold diets; big brains explained; tracking CRISPR and more

by  /  8 June 2018

Benefits of diets for autism features remain unproven, variants of the same DNA region make brains big or small, and STAT announces a new CRISPR tracker.


Growth spurt in head, skeleton mark autism in boys

by  /  6 June 2018

Boys with autism have smaller heads, are shorter and weigh less at birth than typical children do — but all that changes by age 3.

April 2018
extra neuronal connections may sprout from the amygdala, a brain region governing fear

In autism, brain’s emotion hub begins with too many cells

by  /  6 April 2018

The amygdala, a brain region that governs emotions, may be enlarged and overly connected in children with autism, but it shrinks as the children grow up.

January 2018
Neurons missing a part of chromosome 16 (left) are larger and have more branches than control neurons (middle); neurons with duplications of the region are small and sport short dendrites (right).

Lab-grown neurons showcase effects of autism mutations

by  /  15 January 2018

Neurons derived from people with mutations linked to autism display diverse abnormalities that may help explain the origins of these individuals’ features.

November 2017
Stem cells derived from an individual’s skin can become neurons with her unique genetic makeup.

Brain cells spun from skin point to subtypes of autism

by  /  12 November 2017

Neurons derived from people with a syndromic form of autism look and behave differently than do those from people with classic autism.

October 2017
Grid of 8 portraits of children with characteristic facial features

Small head, speech delay characterize mutations in autism gene

by  /  16 October 2017

Children with mutations in a gene called DYRK1A, a leading autism candidate, have a distinct set of features, including intellectual disability, speech delay, motor problems and a small head.
