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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: IQ

July 2017
Week of JulyJul

Edited human embryos; prenatal antidepressants; gut thinking and more

by  /  28 July 2017

Researchers in Oregon edit human embryos, prenatal antidepressants may play a role in autism risk, and gut microbiota are associated with early cognition.

Illustration: a brightly colored child stands among dark, shadowy figures.

The social ties between autism and schizophrenia

by  /  12 July 2017

Autism and schizophrenia share a long and tangled history. Comparing the social features of the two conditions could lead to better treatments and a deeper understanding of each.

June 2017
Week of JuneJun

Fathering geeks; GWAS weaknesses; Prozac protection and more

by  /  23 June 2017

Paternal age drives ‘geek index’ scores, GWAS may have a big weakness, serotonin boosts mouse social behaviors, and what is science Tinder?


Rare form of regression is distinct from most autism

by  /  1 June 2017

A rare condition marked by a sudden and profound loss of skills is biologically distinct from other forms of autism.

May 2017

Chromosome 16 mutations augur distinct developmental paths

by  /  25 May 2017

Children missing a stretch of DNA on chromosome 16 show worsening motor and social skills in the first eight years of life; those with an extra copy of the region do not show this decline.


Common variants, rare mutations combine to shape autism risk

by  /  15 May 2017

Children with autism inherit a greater burden of common genetic variants associated with autism than would be expected by chance. These variants combine with rare, spontaneous mutations to boost autism risk.


Many children with autism get significantly smarter over time

by  /  13 May 2017

Between the ages of 2 and 8, intelligence increases in half of children with autism. In some of these children, intellectual disability gives way to average intelligence.


Adults with disabilities deserve right to choose where to live

by  /  2 May 2017

The idea that one residential model is appropriate for the entire spectrum of intellectual and developmental disability is patently absurd.

April 2017

Estimate of autism’s sex ratio reaches new low

by  /  27 April 2017

A massive new analysis drops the ratio of boys to girls who qualify for an autism diagnosis to about 3-to-1.


Early brain enlargement augurs distinct form of autism

by  /  11 April 2017

A minority of boys with autism have brains that are unusually large relative to their bodies — a trait tied to regression and intellectual disability.
