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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: DSM-5

May 2019
Illustration shows woman connecting digitally with other parents

Spectrum Stories: How social media aids discovery and diagnosis of autism-linked conditions

by  /  6 May 2019

Social media is connecting families with researchers who study rare conditions related to autism — to the benefit of both.

April 2019
Illustration showing people shouting and arguing over large cracks in the ground.

In search of truce in the autism wars

by  /  24 April 2019

The fight between those who define autism as a medical condition and those who see it as a mere difference has reached vitriolic levels. Can the two sides come together to support all autistic people?

November 2018
A collage shows a black and white portrait of Russian doGrunya Efimovna Sukhareva on a colored background.

How history forgot the woman who defined autism

by  /  7 November 2018

Grunya Sukhareva characterized autism nearly two decades before Austrian doctors Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger. So why did the latter get all the credit?

October 2018
A group of high school kids walking down a set of stairs outside a building.

Autism prevalence program expands to include teenagers

by  /  1 October 2018

The network of researchers keeping tabs on autism prevalence in U.S. children plans to follow up with some of those children in adolescence.

September 2018
Collage image shows figure of person experiencing a tough therapy session

At the intersection of autism and trauma

by  /  26 September 2018

Autism and post-traumatic stress disorder share many traits, but the connection between them was largely overlooked until now.

August 2018
Little boy with headphones on sits at a table, making a funny face.

Proposed revisions to global diagnostic manual for autism raise concerns

by  /  29 August 2018

Many autism researchers express satisfaction with the similarities between the ICD-11 and the DSM-5. But some have raised concerns about ways in which the two diagnostic manuals appear to diverge.

May 2018
Week of MayMay

Dividing autism; novel messengers; million-dollar mark and more

by  /  11 May 2018

A researcher proposes splitting autism into subtypes, mitochondria make neurotransmitters, and highly successful grantees may face a funding cap.


How autism’s definition has changed over time

by ,  /  9 May 2018

Don’t judge this book by its decidedly dull cover: Across its pages, some of the most dramatic changes in the history of autism have played out. This short animation chronicles how a diagnostic manual has defined and redefined autism over the years.


In DSM-5, guidance on girls with autism is short but savvy

by  /  9 May 2018

The DSM-5 acknowledges how gender shapes autism more than any previous diagnostic manual has, but it’s time to fold in a few new findings.

Book with graph overlaid

U.S. institute maintains support for diagnoses based on biology

by  /  9 May 2018

A 2013 initiative to find biological roots for mental health diagnoses still has broad appeal, but has not produced a dramatic shift in autism research.
