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Spectrum: Autism Research News

Tag: 16p11.2

October 2012

Mice with autism-linked deletion show unexpected deficits

by  /  15 October 2012

Mice lacking one copy of the autism-linked 16p11.2 chromosomal region are thin, deaf and show repetitive behaviors. They also have altered proportions of neurons in their brains, particularly those that express the chemical messenger dopamine. The unpublished results were presented Sunday at the 2012 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in New Orleans.

September 2012

Genetics: Large chromosomal duplications can be harmless

by  /  19 September 2012

Traditional prenatal testing cannot distinguish between large disruptive chromosomal duplications and multiple harmless repeats, according to a study published 25 July in the European Journal of Human Genetics.

August 2012

Chromosome 15 duplications common in autism

by  /  30 August 2012

About 1 in 500 children referred to genetic testing for undefined developmental delay, intellectual disability, or autism have duplications of the 15q11-13 chromosomal region, according to a new analysis. That makes the region the second most common large genetic alteration linked to autism.

July 2012

Molecular mechanisms: Autism gene regulates neuron shape

by  /  31 July 2012

TAOK2, a gene in the autism-associated 16p11.2 chromosomal region, is part of a signaling pathway that builds neuronal connections during development, according to a study published 10 June in Nature Neuroscience.


Gene expression analysis identifies risk genes for autism

by  /  5 July 2012

Analyzing how mutations in people with autism affect gene expression in blood-derived cells could help researchers pinpoint harmful mutations, according to research published 21 July in The American Journal of Human Genetics.

June 2012

Whole-brain circuits light up in fish brains

by  /  20 June 2012

A new approach allows researchers to visualize individual neurons in the small, clear brains of larval zebrafish as they interact with their surroundings, according to a study published 9 May in Nature.


Genetics: Analysis identifies new autism candidate regions

by  /  19 June 2012

An analysis of large duplications and deletions of DNA has identified new candidate genes for autism in pathways linked to the disorder. The results were published 22 May in Human Molecular Genetics.

May 2012

Fish study links chromosome 16 genes to head size

by  /  17 May 2012

By creating genetically engineered fish, two independent groups have identified genes in an autism hotspot on chromosome 16 that influence head size and brain development. 


Compensatory mechanisms

by  /  8 May 2012

Identifying genetic and other factors that protect children at risk of autism from developing the disorder could provide new avenues for treatment.

April 2012

Maternal obesity

by  /  13 April 2012

A new study, published in the journal Pediatrics, made headlines this week by suggesting that motherhood obesity may increase the risk of autism in children.
