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Spectrum: Autism Research News


Paroma Basu

Freelance writer, Simons Foundation

September 2009

Autism impedes ability to read body language

by  /  1 September 2009

A glitch in visual processing may explain why people with autism struggle to gauge emotions from the body language of others, according to a study published in the journal Neuropsychologia.
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June 2009

New ‘mirror neurons’ reflect the attention of others

by  /  30 June 2009

Studying a new type of mirror neuron may help researchers better understand the brain impairments underlying characteristic deficits of autism.

May 2009

Visual contrast drives face recognition, study finds

by  /  5 May 2009

The answer to a long-standing mystery in visual neuroscience may also help explain how people with autism perceive faces, according to a study published in March in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

April 2009

Experts question study touting hyperbaric therapy for autism

by  /  13 April 2009

A much-publicized study reporting social and cognitive improvements in children with autism who breathed pure oxygen in a high-pressure chamber has met with skepticism from other autism researchers.
